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Cooking With The Power of the Sun

Posted on April 3, 2024 by Rickey Harvey

Many people understand the idea of passive solar for heating a house. Fewer realize it could be found in to cook food and sterilize water.

A solar oven is virtually what it appears like. It really is used to cook food and sterilize water. A lot of people do not even understand they exist, however they are a good way to cook from both an economic and efficiency viewpoint.

The basic idea with a solar cooking would be to develop a box like structure that sunlight gets hotter dramatically. For those who have sat in an automobile in rush hour through the summer, you understand sunlight can generate plenty of heat. Rather than cooking you in an automobile, a solar oven targets food.

So, just how do we cook with it? The box structure is established with dark paneling and covered with an obvious glass or plastic top after pots and food or water has been inserted. The structure is sealed. Similar to an automobile, the sunlight beats through the clear top and heats the inside of the box. Because the heat rises, it cooks the things inside. Yes, it produces plenty of heat to accomplish the job. It truly is as simple as that.

There are three general forms of solar ovens. A solar box works as described in the last paragraph. A panel oven uses reflective surfaces to target sunlight on a pot to generate heat and cook the material inside. A parabolic version is made to focus the sunlight in to the bottom of a concave area where sits pots. You can find variations of the three forms, but all solar cooking designs derive from these basic forms.

While cooking with sunlight is really a fun and efficient, a lot of people won't apply it within their home due to obvious design issues. At a cabin or when camping, however, this is a perfect solution.